Monday, 27 June 2016

Report Writing: Antarctica

Antarctica is a frozen-over continent, where yearly temperatures at the South Pole stay around -35 degrees celsius! Chilly!

The most common resource in Antarctica is…

At the south pole, the sun stays above the horizon for the summer (Dec 21-Mar 21) and sets again on March the 23rd. The sun then stays beneath the horizon in Autumn and Winter (March 21-Sep 21). Then, the sun rises again on September the 21st, and stays above the horizon for the spring, and then the summer next year.

Antarctica is the most southern continent in the whole world, which contains the Geographic South Pole. You can’t go further south than that!

The southern lights are lights that are seen in Antarctica during the period of time when the sun is beneath the horizon for 24 hours or more, more commonly known as an Antarctic Night.

Some humans have jobs in Antarctica. They drill for minerals deep beneath the surface of the ice. Some do other stuff. When will other research stations get built?

In Antarctica, it almost never rains. Well, only in the north, during the summer. In the rest of the continent, the weather is usually sunny, cloudy or snowy.

The most common species of animal in Antarctica is the penguin. Colour: Black, white belly, feet and beak are yellowish orange. There are many kinds of penguins in Antarctica.

Friday, 24 June 2016

World Map

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Monday, 20 June 2016

Sunrise And Sunrise Times In Bangkok, Thailand.

This is the sunrise and sunset times for Bangkok, Thailand, for this month. It's where you are, Miller! Should be expecting the sun to rise at 5:52am and set at 6:48pm on the 21st. Please post a comment below.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

What Would I Do If Aliens Came To Earth

What would I do if aliens came to earth

Part 1: The Crazy Nightmare:

It was 12am on a dark thundery night, and I heard a swirling sound outside. I was lying in my bed. I felt like I was super glued to the mattress, I felt like I was in a creepy nightmare.

Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes, I creep over to my window to see a… Unidentified Flying Object in the sky! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Then, I see the Flying Object land and  I hear footsteps coming towards my window. By now I was terrified.

Part 2: Meeting the aliens!
Then Suddenly  I see a hairless, wrinkly, grey skinned beast come out of this Unidentified Flying Object and it started coming towards me the Alien looked about 1 metre tall .

Infact, the Alien was so strong, it completely shattered the window and said “I am coming for you” the alien was wearing a oxygen mask so the alien can breath and talk, I stood there in astonishment. I don’t know what to do? Do I stand here or do I run for my life. I couldn’t stand here and watch the alien attack me it could even eat me  so I ran as fast as I have ever ran I run out the front door and down the road I will not let the alien eat me.

Part 3: Running from aliens
I was surprised how fast the alien could run! I was already 50 feet away from my house, and I was losing breath. However, the alien showed no signs of exhaustion. I screamed. Suddenly I woke up it was just a nightmare. And what I have learnt from this dream is if aliens ever came to earth we need to run for our lives.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Column Graphs