Friday, 4 November 2016

Mate's Guide To Be Safe With Fireworks.

Gidday, guys. Today I am going to show you how to be safe with fireworks. (If you live in Australia, you won't have to worry about this; fireworks are illegal over there.) Are you sick and tired of cleaning up your fireworks at home? If you go to a public fireworks display, you won't have to worry about cleaning them up!
(It also takes some stress off your mind as well) And they are much better to watch than boring old fizzers and roman candles. So make sure you go to a public display, and DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, go and buy your own fireworks.

Stay happy, safe, cheerful, marvelous, excited, amazed, and, happy.

From Mate.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Mate book day script

Scene 1: Ricky is Shouting “uncle Hector!” (3x) Ricky is walking forward and he stumbles upon a rock, which causes him to fall into a hidden portal. The portal gulps him up then green smoke and red lights go flashing then he disappears (lights go out) Scene 2: Ricky lands on his face Mate and the monster are sword fighting. Ricky gets up and finds a sword and runs to help kill the monster and Ricky says “Arrrrgggghhh!” As he is running toward them in slow-mo , he falls over himself and gets back up he is know right next to them in Monster says(not in slow-mo) “slow-mo has not started yet’(face-palm) Ricky stops slow-mo and says “oh” and then mate says “but now it has” they fight in slow-mo then Monster says “why are we fighting” Ricky slowly turns around and then mate says “its the illuminati” Then Monster says “peace out” and then he walks off the set then Ricky walks away too then mate dabs then Monster comes back on set and says “ummm i live here soooo you can go” then Ricky comes back on set with a gun and shoots Monster Monster dies and THE END

Mates book day play

mates book day group photo

Monday, 27 June 2016

Report Writing: Antarctica

Antarctica is a frozen-over continent, where yearly temperatures at the South Pole stay around -35 degrees celsius! Chilly!

The most common resource in Antarctica is…

At the south pole, the sun stays above the horizon for the summer (Dec 21-Mar 21) and sets again on March the 23rd. The sun then stays beneath the horizon in Autumn and Winter (March 21-Sep 21). Then, the sun rises again on September the 21st, and stays above the horizon for the spring, and then the summer next year.

Antarctica is the most southern continent in the whole world, which contains the Geographic South Pole. You can’t go further south than that!

The southern lights are lights that are seen in Antarctica during the period of time when the sun is beneath the horizon for 24 hours or more, more commonly known as an Antarctic Night.

Some humans have jobs in Antarctica. They drill for minerals deep beneath the surface of the ice. Some do other stuff. When will other research stations get built?

In Antarctica, it almost never rains. Well, only in the north, during the summer. In the rest of the continent, the weather is usually sunny, cloudy or snowy.

The most common species of animal in Antarctica is the penguin. Colour: Black, white belly, feet and beak are yellowish orange. There are many kinds of penguins in Antarctica.

Friday, 24 June 2016

World Map

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Monday, 20 June 2016

Sunrise And Sunrise Times In Bangkok, Thailand.

This is the sunrise and sunset times for Bangkok, Thailand, for this month. It's where you are, Miller! Should be expecting the sun to rise at 5:52am and set at 6:48pm on the 21st. Please post a comment below.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

What Would I Do If Aliens Came To Earth

What would I do if aliens came to earth

Part 1: The Crazy Nightmare:

It was 12am on a dark thundery night, and I heard a swirling sound outside. I was lying in my bed. I felt like I was super glued to the mattress, I felt like I was in a creepy nightmare.

Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes, I creep over to my window to see a… Unidentified Flying Object in the sky! I couldn’t believe my eyes. Then, I see the Flying Object land and  I hear footsteps coming towards my window. By now I was terrified.

Part 2: Meeting the aliens!
Then Suddenly  I see a hairless, wrinkly, grey skinned beast come out of this Unidentified Flying Object and it started coming towards me the Alien looked about 1 metre tall .

Infact, the Alien was so strong, it completely shattered the window and said “I am coming for you” the alien was wearing a oxygen mask so the alien can breath and talk, I stood there in astonishment. I don’t know what to do? Do I stand here or do I run for my life. I couldn’t stand here and watch the alien attack me it could even eat me  so I ran as fast as I have ever ran I run out the front door and down the road I will not let the alien eat me.

Part 3: Running from aliens
I was surprised how fast the alien could run! I was already 50 feet away from my house, and I was losing breath. However, the alien showed no signs of exhaustion. I screamed. Suddenly I woke up it was just a nightmare. And what I have learnt from this dream is if aliens ever came to earth we need to run for our lives.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Column Graphs

Friday, 27 May 2016

How To Use Video Notes

The World's #1 Deadliest Creature

The World’s #1 Deadliest Creature:

From the list of the 10 most deadliest animals on the planet, I think that the mosquito is ranked World’s #1 Deadliest Creature. I think this because mosquitoes can cause millions of deaths around the world. They can kill people by sucking up blood from someone who has a disease, they fly over to a different person, and they transfer some of the sick person’s blood into that person’s blood, which can soon lead to death in less than a day.

Millions and millions of mosquitoes, or mozzies, the name they are most commonly known by, spread most of their population around Central Africa. Mosquitoes can survive in many climates, such as rainforests, deserts, steppe, dry plains, tropical, and even icy areas. By Mate

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Peel 50 Playmation Video

Riley's Riddle #3:

Riley’s Riddle #3Feb 18, 2016 8:24:33 AM.jpg

Look at the following patterns:


Does the letter ‘Z’ belong on the top row or the bottom?

Why? Mate says: “The ‘Z’ belongs on the bottom row.”

Mate's Speed Skills Evidence

MELU Audiobook

Mate’s Peel P50 Writing:

The future is the past. This may sound like nonsense but this saying is true in one way, though. I think that more Peel P50s will be made in the future, even though they were invented in the year 1963!  

The Peel P50s are four and a half feet tall, one metre long, and 60 centimetres wide! It has no reverse gear. Infact, Peel P50s are so small, they can go across pedestrian crossings, and even through hallways inside buildings!

If people invented an improved gearbox for the Peel P50s, it would be much better. Also, the future of Peel P50s should involve indicators and rear vision mirrors. It would be so awesome if anti-gravity floaters were made on the Peel P50. It would be able to go down stairs without crashing! I bet there could be a video on Youtube in 100 years titled: Invincible Peel P50! There could also be a video titled: How Anti-Gravity Floaters Are Made. Anyway, back onto the subject of the Peel P50. Peel P50s are flash little cars (they are the world’s smallest car, vertified by Guiness World Records (GWR)) that have one headlight at the front, but no headlights at the back, because as I said before, there’s no reverse gear. If you want to find out more about the Peel-50…... <-link to advert

Thursday, 19 May 2016

The 6th Wave

The 6th Wave

This is a Choose Your Own Path story. That means that you can make the decisions. Sometimes, you can make decisions of other people. Will you survive the day? Or will you not? Be prepared for the 6th Wave!

1: It is a chilly autumn morning, on Monday 9th of May, 2016, and you enter your classroom. You sit down at your desk, and you say hi to your friends. Do they reply?

If they do, go to 2. If they don’t, go to 3.

2: Your friends say hi back. Soon afterwards, the bell for the start of class rings. Your teacher then strides in through the doorway. He starts taking the roll call.

If he doesn’t call your name, go to 4. If he does say your name, go to 5.

3: Your friends don’t reply. Strange! They usually respond back, you think. Suddenly, you feel a tingling over your body. You try and ask them what’s happening, but they don’t reply. You try to touch them, but your hand just goes right through them! A few seconds later, you vanish with a little pop. The End!

4: The teacher just automatically skips your name! You wonder why he did that, so you walk up to his desk. He instantly starts screaming, and he runs out of the classroom! Weird! Suddenly, you have a very strange feeling, as though your head’s about to crack in half! You suddenly realize a few seconds later that you are a zombie.
The End!

5: The teacher calls your name out, as usual, and you say “Morning!” to prove that you are present. Just an ordinary school day today, you think. Just ordinary. Or is it? Your teacher yells: “4J’s run!” Do you hear him?

If you hear the teacher, go to 6. If you don’t, go to 7.

6: You run out the door with all of your classmates, and the teacher. When you get up to the halfway point, zombies appear behind you! Are you too scared to move? Or do you keep going?  If you carry on, go to 8. If you stop, then go to 9.
7: You don’t seem to hear or even notice that your classmates and your teacher are already out of the classroom! Suddenly, the square metre of floor you are standing on disappears! You fall down and down and down for what feels like hours, until you fall into the smallest, cutest, square metre of lava you have ever seen in your whole entire life. (not) You die. The End.

8: You are so terrified, you sprint off as fast and your legs can carry you. The worst thing possible happens next. A troop of zombies appear in front of you. You grind to a halt. “Brains!” moans the crowd of zombies. “Brains!” They advance on you, and the next second, they are eating you alive. The End!

9: You stop with a sudden skid. You suddenly realize that the ‘zombies’ are actually your classmates, when along comes the teacher. Finally, ten minutes later, you cross the finish line, and you come back into class. Soon, the other students start arriving, followed by the teacher, who is red faced and sweaty. Unfortunately, the teacher forgot to write up today’s timetable, and you don’t know what to do. If you start to read your Book Book novel, go to 10. If you start working on your Chromebook, go to 11.

10: You get out your novel and start reading. The teacher suddenly spots what you are doing, and he says: “We’re not doing Book Book at the moment. Take your name off classmates, I’m very disappointed in you.” Looks like today turned out to not be what you wanted it to look like. “Also, go and kill yourself.” The teacher replies. He hands you a sword that says your name and the letters ‘GO KILL YOURSELF’ on its handle. You can’t help yourself. You grab the sword, and you slice yourself in half. You die. The End!

11: You start working on your Chromebook, on your Journal, to be exact. The teacher suddenly spots what you are doing, and he says: “Spot on! That’s exactly was on the timetable!” You could have easily guessed that. It happened right after we went on the Run. You wrote so much information down in your Journal for that ONE day, you barely finished it before the bell for first break! You rush outside, rip open your bag, and you gulp down your morning tea. Then, you go to… Where will you go to? If you stay inside and play with the shapes, go to 12. If you go to the playground, go to 13.

12: You rush inside, and you pull out the container full of plastic shapes. You enjoy playing with them for the rest of the break.    
Then, the bell rings. All the students come back on time, and then eventually, a ycoffee-fed teacher. “Fun spot!” Yells the teacher. “You can choose the fun spot.” The teacher whispers to you. Which one will you choose? If you choose Octopus, go to 14. If you choose Scatter Tag, go to 15.

13: You sprint to the playground, and you try to have as much fun as you can. (Not.) Suddenly, you come face to face with a little kid who is holding a… PISTOL! “Can I shoot you, pwease?” Before you can reply, he  shoots you right in the heart! You die. End!

14: “I choose Octopus.” You say. The teacher yells: “The game is Octopus!” All of your classmates, including you and the teacher run to one end of the court, and two students are in the middle of it. “Octopus!” Yells the taggers. You run your hardest, but one of the taggers are too fast for you. He tags you. You lose. Ah, well! The End!

15: “I choose Scatter Tag.” You say. “The game is Scatter Tag!” The teacher yells. Everyone goes around, trying to tag one another. After a while, you get fed up. You look at your watch. You can’t believe what time it is! It’s 11:50am, the start of second  break! During break, you just stay in the classroom. Once the bell rings, in comes the teacher, and the other students. What topic are you supposed to be working on now?
If you start working on Maths Buddy, go to 16. If you work on Spelling, go to 17.

16: You get on your Chromebook, and you start working on Maths Buddy. Usually, you do Spelling today, but maybe today is a bit different from other days. “Right on task!” Exclaimed the teacher, spotting what you are doing. You test yourself on Speed Skills, trying to get a new Personal Best. You’re on Level 2 Multiplication, and you score 26. Not exactly my best for today, you think. After you do some Speed Skills, you start doing some Lessons. You manage to get through 5 before the lunch bell rings. You rush outside and open your lunchbox. What will you eat? If you have the cookie, go to 18. If you have the piece of chocolate cake, go to 19. If you have the caramel flavour yohgurt, go to 20.

17: You start practising today’s list of words.  
The teacher sees what you are doing, and he says: “Take your name off Classmates. After that, can you please kill yourself?” The teacher hands you a very sharp and shiny silver battleaxe. You rip your name off ClassMates 2.0. Then, you carefully lift the axe out of the teacher’s hands, and you chop yourself in half. You die. The End.

18: You unwrap your cookie, and you bite into it. Then you discover that the M and M’s inside the cookie are actually bite-size pieces of dynamite! In your haste to eat the cookie, you accidentely swallow a bit of dynamite! Your insides start gurgling and rumbling, and seconds later, you get blown inside-out! You die. The End!

19: You grab the chocolate cake, and you take rather massive chunks out of it. Chocolate cake has always been your favourite flavoured cake. You pack away your lunchbox, and you run off to play. But the question is, where will you play? If you go to the playground, go to 21. If you play inside with the plastic shapes, go to 22.

20: You rip off the lid of the yohgurt container, and you slurp down the stuff in a few massive gulps. Suddenly, you choke on the yohgurt. Then, you discover that the ‘yoghurt’ is actually 1080 poison! You clutch your throat, and you let out a strangled gag. In seconds, you have come to a dead END.

21: You sprint to the playground, and you try to have as much fun as possible. (Not.) Suddenly, you come face to face with a little kid who looks like he’s eight. “Can I shoot you, pwease?” He asks. You watch, stunned, as he pulls a gun out of one of his pockets! But, before you have a chance to reply, you hear a BANG! You die. The End.

22: You sprint into the classroom, and you start to play with the plastic shapes. You have made four decent sized creations before the bell for the start of afternoon class rings. If you think that the class will be playing a game, go to 23. If you start working on Dunedin Camp stuff, go to 24. If you start reading your novel, go to 25.

23: You go outside and run around on the field. But ten minutes later, your class STILL isn’t on the field. Now you know why. It must still be… class time. (Sigh.) Your teacher opens the back door, and he yells your name, and: “I’m very disappointed in you.” Looks like today has come to a bad END.

24: You start working on your Dunedin camp stuff, and soon, the teacher spots you. “Exactly what we’re supposed to be doing.” He replies. You have just finished writing your Dunedin Timetable. You and your friends are planning to go to Zone Combat Paintball, the Otago Museum, Cadbury World, Larnach Castle, Rialto Cinemas, and Moana Pool. You spend the rest of the block talking to your mates about what to do in Dunedin. Suddenly, the bell for the end of school rings! Looks like you managed to survive the 6th Wave! The Right End!

25: You get out your novel and start reading. In comes the teacher. He spots what you are doing, and he said your name, and after that: “I’m very disappointed in you. Take your name off Classmates.” In frustration, you walk over to the whiteboard, and you rip your name off ClassMates. Today turned out to be a VERY bad day! Ten minutes later, the final bell rings. The End!

Friday, 1 April 2016

Subtraction using mental strategies and rounding

Character Description Of Mr. Brainfright.

Mr Brainfright is not particularly tall (but not short
either) some people would call him average height. Mr Brainfright is A bit thin, lightweight. He has blue eyes (I think).

The Character known as Mr Brainfright is fond of many things (Not all things though). Mr Brainfright loves bananas because once he eats the banana, he does something a bit strange (Well, we would call it strange, anyway.) He chucks the Banana peel on the ground, and he deliberately slips up on it! (Even Mr Brainfright's students call that strange. But they
got the hang of it.) 

One of the things Mr Brainfright hates
is Clive Durkin, because he and his brother Fred bullies Henry McThrottle and his friends. Another thing Mr Brainfright hates is squashed bananas because then he can’t eat or draw funny faces on them!

Something else that he likes to do with bananas is to draw faces on them! I reckon Mr Brainfright is very fond of Art On Bananas!

Mr Brainfright got his job as a teacher, not by working hard but because somebody else retired. The teacher that retired was Ms Chalkboard, Henry’s old teacher. When Mr Brainfright tries to teach the class, it all falls apart. I guess that Mr Brainfright did NOT get teacher training!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Problems Involving Subtraction

Melu Audiobook

Journal Post day 16 2016

Day 16 2016: Monday 22 February
(Daniel’s Birthday)
I went on the 4J’s run today, and for some reason, I couldn’t move as fast as I normally could. Maybe it’s the first symptom of turning into a vampire bat! Probably, because I yawned heaps today. I bet I’ll be a vampire bat by midnight tonight (or possibly a flying fox). Probably.

Welcome to my Blog

This is my Blog, my room 7 blog. Welcome to my Blog.I like Kaia. He is my best friend. My blog should be really really really really really good.